Water services

- Reduced nitrogen discharge from agricultural land: To map the reduction of nitrogen discharge from nature protection measures, we currently refer to values from literature. Site-differentiated data will be provided in due course. For this purpose, simulations are carried out with the MONICA model (Model for Nitrogen and Carbon in Agro-Ecosystems).
- Nitrate reduction potential in the groundwater system: In Brandenburg, assessment of nitrate reduction in groundwater is currently being developed with the MODEST model.
Climate and water services on peat soils

- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions on peatlands: GHG emission reductions are estimated using the Greenhouse Gas Emission Site Types (GEST) approach. These site types are based on an extensive literature review from which average annual emission values were calculated, as well as evaluation of other determining parameters such as water level, nutrient availability and soil type, from Central European peatlands. Results showed that the mean annual groundwater level, described in so-called water stages, is the best singular explanatory variable for carbon dioxide and methane emissions.
- Reduced nutrient runoff on peatlands: Methods for assessing nitrogen emissions and retention on peatlands include the NEST approach and WETTRANS method. The NEST approach (N-emission site types) is a method to estimate the nitrogen discharge from a peatland, based on the vegetation. WETTRANS is a database-supported method for determining nitrogen retention in fens.